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  • ShiRP | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program The Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program (ShiRP) was initiated by Dr. Ellen Pikitch and she and Dr. Christopher Gobler have served as co-principal investigators on the effort since 2011. It was clear then that conditions in the bay had been deteriorating over time, evidenced by excessive nitrogen loading, the presence of harmful algal blooms, a lack of shellfish, and decreasing eelgrass habitat. Our goal is to improve water quality within the bay through science-based in-the-water restoration focusing on key shellfish species. We are actively replenishing shellfish populations and creating more habitat and better conditions for marine life to thrive. A healthier ecosystem is also a more enjoyable environment for swimming, fishing, kayaking, sailing – just a few of the many activities that makes living on Long Island special. But restoring the bay is easier said than done! Our collective team of professors, students and staff at Stony Brook have spent years developing, implementing, and monitoring restoration solutions—with every strategy and activity based on scientific evidence and rigorous monitoring and evaluation. Learn more at: Restoration Success in Shinnecock Bay One of IOCS’s roles in ShiRP focuses on monitoring the fisheries of Shinnecock Bay. We can’t know whether our approach is benefiting the bay ecosystem unless we understand what lives there. Our lab uses several methods to collect data baywide, so that we can better understand the community of fish and invertebrates living in the bay, their seasonal and annual patterns, and their habitat usage. Our methods include a decade-long trawl survey , Baited Underwater Remote Video (BRUVs), and collecting water samples for environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis. By using standardized methods to survey the bay, we have a baseline of the Shinnecock Bay community and can therefore better understand changes over time and how our restoration is providing broader benefits. Our lab also works on communicating ShiRP’s activities to the public and key stakeholders. We frequently present to professional and local audiences and focus when we can on new community partnerships and initiatives. Explore our oyster reef... 3.5 million clams planted 6 oyster reefs built 100 acres of new eelgrass Progress and Signs of Success Our planted hard clams are surviving and reproducing, creating new generations of clams throughout the eastern and western parts of the bay Oyster reefs are growing, and biotic communities settling onto the reefs We have distributed 5 million eelgrass seeds into selected areas Water quality is improving! Harmful Algae Blooms are becoming less dense and less persistent Shellfish bed closures are less than half of what they were before we began restoration Eelgrass habitat is increasing in area due to better conditions and more light reaching the bottom of the bay We have seen increased biomass and species diversity in the western part of the bay as water quality and habitat have improved We are discovering new species of fish due to the use of eDNA that hadn’t been observed using other methods Other Links Pioneering eDNA Fisheries Monitoring Summer Flounder Tagging Community Outreach Read the news article: SBU Scientists Take a Multi-Faceted Approach to Restoring Shinnecock Bay Read Now Gallery

  • 10 x 20 | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    The 10 x 20 Initiative In 2015, the United Nations negotiated and adopted a series of international goals and targets for a more prosperous world, including ending poverty and hunger, improving education and inequality, providing clean water and energy, and implementing solutions for climate and sustainable cities. The set of 17 goals and 169 targets are referred to as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals , or SDGs. ​ The Sustainable Development Goals , or SDGs, are a blueprint of 17 goals and 169 targets toward a more prosperous world, for humans and the planet as a whole. Each country uses this comprehensive vision to develop a national strategy to achieve the goals. SDG 14 is a goal for the oceans. Goal number 14 is called “Life Below Water” and includes 11 targets for addressing problems facing the ocean. SDG 14 Target 5 calls for conserving "at least 10 percent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on best available scientific information ,” by year 2020. The “10x20 Initiative” was a multi-stakeholder effort led by governments and the Ocean Sanctuary Alliance to catalyze action on SDG 14.5 and achieve protection of 10% of the global ocean by the year 2020. Achieving a "Standalone Goal" for the Oceans in 2015 Even though the ocean covers the majority or our planet, it was not clear that ocean issues would be specifically addressed by the SDGs as they were being negotiated. In previous global initiatives, such as the Millennium Development Goals, the oceans were folded into other environmental sustainability efforts which did not result in significant ocean progress. Realizing this, the late Ambassador Stuart Beck led an effort, along with Ambassadors from several Pacific island nations, to include a “standalone” Sustainable Development Goal devoted to the oceans. In September 2014, IOCS’s Dr. Ellen Pikitch spoke at a high-level event during the UN General Assembly (UNGA) laying out the scientific rationale and benefits that would result from an ocean-focused goal. In October of that year, Ambassador Beck founded a multidisciplinary group, the Ocean Sanctuary Alliance (OSA), bringing together diplomats and scientists to support the ocean goal and inclusion of a component focusing on a clear and measurable target for marine protected areas. In September 2015, the UNGA adopted the entire SDG package, which included an ocean goal – Goal 14—and within that, Target 14.5, to protect at least ten percent of the ocean by the year 2020. IOCS played a key role in the leadup to the SDGs, and during the time period when “10x20” was to be achieved. 10 x 20 Initiative In partnership with Italy, Poland, Kenya, the Bahamas, and Palau, OSA co-created and co-organized the 10x20 Initiative at the UN to push for effective achievement of SDG 14.5. Over 70 countries, including many island nations, participated in the 10x20 Initiative. IOCS and the Ocean Sanctuary Alliance led many efforts to bring science directly to UN policy makers through high-level events, symposia, and one-on-one meetings with diplomats. OSA was unique in that it directly engaged United Nations Member States through their New York City delegations. Dr. Ellen Pikitch and Christine Santora served on OSA’s Board, and IOCS staff and students contributed significantly to OSA’s efforts and events at the United Nations in support of SDG 14.5. In 2016, Dr. Ellen Pikitch co-led a high-level conference on MPAs: Marine Protected Areas: An Urgent Imperative. This important conference , one of the first to address a specific SDG target, was spearheaded by Italy’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York and hosted by the Italian Foreign Ministry in Rome. In preparation for the Rome conference, Dr. Pikitch wrote a Primer and secured attendance from 25 leading MPA experts from around the world. Diplomats from 33 countries attended a science & policy dialogue held on the third day of the conference, which highlighted successful MPA examples from The Bahamas, Palau, Kiribati, and Italy. Two key outcomes of the Rome Conference were the “Consensus Statement on Marine Protected Areas ,” providing scientific and experience-based guidance on how to achieve SDG 14.5, and the Rome Call to Action , a companion document that provides a policy blueprint for achieving the target. UN Ambassadors visit Stony Brook University The science & policy dialogues emerging from the Rome Conference sparked an idea: bring UN diplomats directly to a local marine protected area in New York and provide them with a hands-on experience for learning. IOCS’s Christine Santora planned a trip from UN headquarters in Manhattan to Stony Brook Southampton that included a tour of SBU’s state-of-the art research laboratory , an overview of the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Program (ShiRP) , and most importantly, a trip into Shinnecock Bay. The field trip included a visit to view hard clam spawner sanctuaries and demonstrate research activities such as survey trawls and tagging summer flounder to show how our lab studies life in the bay. Diplomats from ten countries participated in the visit to Stony Brook Southampton including Antigua & Barbuda, The Bahamas, Fiji, Israel, Italy, Kiribati, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, and Vanuatu. The UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Oceans, Ambassador Peter Thomson , reminded all that “We are One Ocean,” noting that the sediment in Shinnecock Bay looks, smells and feels just the same as the bay bottom he encountered as a child in Fiji. Resources Rome Conference Materials 2017 UN Oceans Conference Voluntary Commitment Ambassador Trip Media Coverage Gallery 070916_ShinnecockBay58 070916_ShinnecockBay119 070916_ShinnecockBay57 070916_ShinnecockBay58 1/26

  • Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force IOCS, with support from the Lenfest Ocean Program, convened the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force, a group of distinguished interdisciplinary scientists with collective expertise in marine ecology, fisheries science, oceanography, marine mammals, seabirds, forage fish populations, ecosystem modeling, and fisheries management. This expert panel was the first to comprehensively study the best available science on forage fish and conduct new and cutting-edge modeling to understand how fishing pressure affects both forage fish and predator populations. After rigorous synthesis, modeling, case study examples, and discussion, the Task Force developed a first-of-its-kind set of practical management recommendations that take into account the ecological role of forage fish when setting catch limits. Task Force Members ​Task Force Members: Back Row: Dr. Marc Mangel, Dr. Eva Plaganyi-Lloyd, Dr. Tim Essington, Dr. Philippe Cury, Dr. Ian L. Boyd, Dr. Daniel Pauly. Front Row: Dr. David Conover, Dr. Robert Steneck , Dr. Selina Heppell, Dr. Edward Houde, Dr. Keith Sainsbury, ​Dr. P. Dee Boersma, Dr. Ellen K. Pikitch. Task Force Findings ​ After four years of dedicated work, the task force produced a comprehensive and detailed report entitled “Little Fish, Big Impact ,” along with a short Executive Summary . In the report, the Task Force reviewed the biological and ecological characteristics of forage fish, outlined lessons learned, and presented nine case studies from around the globe. The Task Force also produced original analyses that included: Measuring the dietary importance of forage fish to marine predators Calculating the economic value of forage fish catch globally Publication that estimated and compared the global contribution of forage fish to marine species and ecosystems Estimating the economic value of forage fish to other commercial fisheries that depend on forage fish for food (for example, striped bass) Testing how different forage fish harvest strategies affect both the forage fish population and the predators that depend on those fish. ​ Notably, the Task Force highlighted the issue of tradeoffs that occur between direct harvest of forage fish, the harvest of larger commercial species that depend on forage fish for food, and wildlife that depends on forage fish for their diets. One of the most impactful recommendations of the Task Force is that the management of forage fish should vary with the level of information known about the forage fish population and the dependent predators in the ecosystem, giving specific examples and guidance. ​ In the ten years since the Task Force released its work, several U.S. states have adopted more of a precautionary approach to managing forage fish, and a bill called the Forage Fish Conservation Act has been introduced into the U.S. Congress. In the Mid-Atlantic, management authorities are now using an ecosystem-based approach for the predominant forage species there, Atlantic menhaden . A video highlighting the recommendations from the Lenfest Forage Fish Task Force. Read the Report The Global Contribution of Forage Fish to Marine Fisheries and Ecosystems In this peer-reviewed research, members of IOCS and the Task Force report on the economic findings of "Little Fish, Big Impact" (featured above). We estimated the value of global forage fish catch to be $5.6 billion, and the value of the fisheries supported by forage fish to be over twice as valuable! Read the Publication Broader Takeaways There are many nuanced findings in the Task Force report but there are also broader takeaways: Many marine wildlife species are moderately (>50%) or highly (>75%) dependent on forage fish for their survival; when forage fish decline, they decline. Globally, forage fish are more valuable economically as prey than as direct catch. On average, cutting the rate of forage fishing in half and leaving twice as many forage fish in the water as a “buffer” leads to better outcomes for both forage fish and their predators. Spatial and temporal considerations must be considered when managing forage fish because they are not uniform across space or season. ​ Publications Press Coverage ​ Los Angeles Times "Let ‘forage fish’ populations double, scientists urge " Apr 2012 Washington Post "Little fish are most valuable when left in the sea, researchers say " Apr 2012 ​ ​ New York Times ​"Too Many Small Fish Are Caught, Report Says " Apr 2012 New York Times | Op-Ed "Big Warning on Little Fish " Apr 2012 ​ ​ Slate "​Smaller Fish Should Stay Fish Food, Say Experts " Apr 2012​ ​The Scotsman "Call for Big Cuts in Fishing to Save Whales and Penguins " Apr 2012 The Scientist "Little Fish in a Big Pond " Oct 2012 ​ HuffPost "Big Victory for Little Fish (and the Future of the Oceans) , " by Andrew Sharpless and Ted Danson ! Nov 2012​ Smithsonian Magazine "The Ten Best Ocean Stories of 2012 " Dec 2012 ​ National Geographic "The Ocean’s Unsung Heroes – Hooray for the Little Guys & Just Keep Swimming! " Aug 2013​​ Gallery IMG_3518 _MG_9535 _MG_9641 IMG_3518 1/27 EBFM is a relatively new direction for fishery management, essentially reversing the order of priorities so that management starts with the ecosystem instead of the target species. We found that the potential benefits of implementing of EBFM far outweigh the difficulties of transitioning from current management. Ecosystems Based Fisheries Management Read the Publication Here

  • Marine Conservation in China | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    China's Area-based Marine Conservation Dr. Ellen Pikitch (IOCS), and Dr. Guifang “Julia” Xue (Shanghai Jai Tong University) led a multi-year study entitled: An Analysis of Marine Protected Areas with support from the Lenfest Ocean Program. The study was undertaken to better understand and make available to an international audience China’s domestic area-based marine conservation efforts. Some marine protected areas have been in place in China for more than half a century, yet knowledge of the types, location and objectives of these sites was poorly known despite this long history. The research effort involved site visits within the country, as well as compilation of data from multiple sources. Publication in Science Advances In November 2021 a comprehensive paper on China’s area-based management was published in Science Advances . Co-authors from the Stony Brook University team included Dr. John J. Bohórquez, Dr. Ellen Pikitch, Timothy Frankstone (IOCS alumn), Maria Grima, and Dr. Karine Kleinhaus and China-based co-authors from Shanghai Jiao Tong University included Dr. Guifang “Julia” Xue and Dr. Yiyi Zhao. Whereas international databases only listed 15 MPAs in China, the research team identified 326 sites with area based conservation measures that addressed 142 conservation objectives. Of these sites, 273 were MPAs and 53 were marine aquatic germplasm reserves (AGRs), a type of fishery management zone that can offer an equivalent level of protection for marine life and habitats. These types of areas that are not labeled as MPAs but offer conservation benefits are referred to as Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs). We evaluated the progress of China’s MPA and AGR network against international conservation targets and assessed how well the areas covered different types of ecosystems in order to identify where additional protection is most needed. Study Methods and Results We first pieced together a comprehensive database of MPAs and AGRs in China including their names, locations, area (km2), age, and conservation objectives (species or ecosystems of special importance). The result of our compilation is the first comprehensive publicly available database of marine protection in China to date. We then grouped China’s seas into representative habitats based on sea-surface conditions (remote sensing) and depths through a two-part principal components analysis and k-means cluster analysis. Once habitats were defined, we could overlay the MPAs and AGRs with the habitats and identify how well protected each habitat was. ​ The study was the first body of work to suggest that China may have achieved Aichi target 11 and protects over 10% of its marine and coastal habitats with a national network of MPAs and AGRs. The extent to which the Aichi target has been met depends upon what portion of the AGRs qualify as OECMs; a topic that requires further study. Protected, endangered and culturally significant species, sensitive and highly important ecosystems, and commercially valuable fish species were noted within the area-based conservation network. Shallow habitats were more comprehensively protected, especially by fully or highly protected MPAs, whereas deeper waters further offshore were afforded less protection. Key Takeaways 13% of China’s marine and coastal habitats are protected by MPAs and and AGRs, 4.5% from mostly no-take MPAs and the remaining 8.5% from AGRs. Shallower habitats (<10 meters) were the most highly and consistently protected, the majority of within strongly or fully protected MPAs. Deeper habitats offshore were less protected with the majority within less restrictive AGRs, and waters beyond the continental shelf that include important habitats like undersea canyons and seamounts were not protected at all. AGRs typically included commercially significant species of fin fish and shellfish among their objectives, whereas MPAs more frequently included important coastal ecosystems like mangroves, coral reefs, and coastal wetlands, as well as charismatic megafauna and endangered animals including birds, marine mammals, horseshoe crabs, and others. Recommendations for China The study suggests that China could benefit from adding more protection for pelagic ecosystems, especially by no-take MPAs, particularly in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Some AGRs could be converted to MPAs in these regions to help strengthen protection. Deep water ecosystems including undersea canyons and seamounts should also be protected, where currently none is provided. Last, it is vital that China develop long-term monitoring programs to understand management impact beyond numerical goals. Explore our interactive online map ​ In addition to the publication and corresponding supplemental dataset , we developed an online interactive map, spearheaded by Maria Grima, which the public can explore to learn more about MPAs in China, available on the Stony Brook website . Resources Science Advances Paper Science Advances Supplementary Data Fact Sheet Press Coverage Stony Brook University News “Study Provides First-Time Data on China’s Marine Conservation” ​ ​ Hakai Magazine "China’s Surprisingly Robust System of Marine Protection” ​ ​ ​ ​ "Study reveals first-time data on protection of China’s marine habitats” ​ ​ Mongabay “2021’s top ocean news stories” Gallery

  • Isabella Imbo | IOCS -

    Isabella Imbo, Communications Assistant Isabella Imbo, M.A. in Marine Conservation and Policy, has recently joined IOCS and ShiRP as a communications assistant. She earned a B.A. in Biology from the State University at Geneseo, minoring in environmental studies and sustainability. Additionally, she holds microcredentials in aquatic biology. Her undergraduate research focused on the seasonal and historical trends of cyanobacteria in the Finger Lakes region. In the summer of 2023, Isabella worked as a marine program assistant at the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County. There, she conducted research on the survival and development of horseshoe crab eggs in relation to olivine-derived nickel exposure and participated in tagging and surveying horseshoe crabs during peak season events. The marine environment had always been an interest of hers, growing up down the road from Great South Bay and a short boat ride to Fire Island. Her first job at was working at a local greenhouse/florist, where her passion for nature and sustainable practices was further nurtured. Her aspiration to pursue a career in conservation sciences crystallized during her sophomore year in undergraduate studies, following her coursework in ecology and environmental conservation. Outside of her graduate studies and IOCS, she volunteers for the Surfrider Foundation’s Eastern Long Island Chapter, in addition to working part-time as a lifeguard and swim instructor. In her free time, she enjoys playing volleyball, running, and cooking.

  • Home | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    Learn More Our local underwater world... Science with an Impact Our Story Projects Publications Donate We are dedicated to advancing ocean conservation through science. The Institute for Ocean Conservation Science conducts world-class scientific research that helps increase our knowledge of critical ocean threats, provides the foundation for smarter ocean policy, and establishes new frameworks for improved ocean conservation. Whether we're tagging sharks off of Caribbean Reefs, assessing the legal and financial state of Marine Protected Areas, or exchanging ideas with leaders at the UN, we believe that the true power of science lies in its ability to change policies and perspectives around the world. More About In the News 📆 Looking Back: A Recap of Last Year's Institute Highlights 🏆 Position Opening: Research Scientist or Senior Postdoc Dr. Ellen Pikitch celebrated for her Endowed Professorship for Ocean Conservation Science Follow us on Social

  • Shinnecock Bay Hope Spot | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    Shinnecock Bay Hope Spot: Inaugural Event June 9, 2023 Shinnecock Bay was designated as a global Hope Spot in June 2022. On June 9th, 2023, IOCS hosted a celebration commemorating the Hope Spot's first anniversary at the Stony Brook Southampton Marine Science Center. The event recognized Shinnecock Bay's ecological and cultural importance to Long Island and the region, and shows how the bay is a uniting force for many stakeholders. The goal of the event was to raise awareness of the Shinnecock Hope Spot, communicate the importance of marine science, technology, and conservation, and discuss the vision of what the Shinnecock Bay Hope Spot can achieve in the future. The day-long celebration began with a ribbon cutting ceremony featuring: ​ Ellen Pikitch, Endowed Professor of Ocean Conservation Science at SoMAS and IOCS Executive Director Sylvia Earle, Founder and Chair of Mission Blue, and world-renowned environmental marine scientist Paul Shepson, Dean of SoMAS, Stony Brook University Christopher Gobler, Endowed Chair of Coastal Ecology and Conservation at SoMAS Kelsey Leonard, Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo and Shinnecock Indian Nation Erika Heine Montague, Schmidt Marine Technology Partners Ed Warner, Southampton Town Trustee ​ Photos by Mark Bryon Brown Following the ceremony, IOCS organized marine station laboratory tours and a poster session, showcasing cutting edge scientific research and experiments being done by the Pikitch and Gobler labs, and where graduate students were on hand to explain their projects in detail. ​ Schmidt Marine Technology Partners led technology demonstrations at the docks and aboard our research vessels, showing how remotely operated technologies can advance ocean observing and make it more affordable. Four companies brought and deployed their devices: Allan Adams from Aquatic Labs Hohonu Jaia Robotics Sofar Some of these devices began collecting real time data immediately, and Sofar and Hononu generously donated a device for longer term data collection in Shinnecock Bay! ​ The day ended with an event in Duke Lecture Hall. The Shinnecock Indian Nation welcomed attendees with traditional singing and dancing performed by a youth dance troupe, and Dr. Sylvia Earle gave an inspiring keynote address calling for everyone to "dive in and do what they can" -- a founding principle of her organization Mission Blue . ​ The event was part of The Explorers Club's 2023 World Oceans Week programming. Resources Hope Spot Announcement Mission Blue Story Shinnecock Bay Restoration Gallery Photos by John Griffin for Stony Brook University Sign up for our newsletter Join our mailing list Email Subscribe Thanks for subscribing!

  • Maria Grima | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    Maria Grima, Former M.S. Student Like many of our other team members, Maria has had a long relationship with IOCS. In the summer of her junior year at Stony Brook University (SBU), Maria met us through our partnership with the JFEW-SUNY Global Affairs Leadership Program. As a scholar of this program, she had the opportunity to observe and participate in the world of international ocean policy, where her interest in the Sustainable Development Goals was sparked. In May 2018, she graduated with a B.A. in Environmental Studies, with a concentration in Physical Anthropology and minors in Marine Science and Geospatial Science (GIS). She earned much of her degree by participating in field schools in Southampton, Kenya, and Madagascar. These immersive, hands-on experiences set her on the path to work in environmental conservation and research. Before returning to SBU to work with us on her master's degree, Maria served as our Project Aide, where she created media content, organized and led outreach events, and built an online platform to visually highlight our Marine Priority Areas project results. She worked and continues to work closely with our ShiRP Project by attending trawls, processing Baited Remote Underwater Videos, and organizing data.​ Maria is our in-house GIS expert and takes care of our mapping needs across a variety of projects, including evaluating marine protected areas in China . She loves using maps to tell conservation stories, and is eager to share her skills with others through workshops and consulting!

  • Global MPAs | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    Marine Protected Areas Marine Protected Areas, or MPAs, protect and conserve ocean ecosystems, species, and habitats -- similar to national parks or forest reserves on land. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines MPAs as areas whose primary objective is the conservation of nature: ​ “An MPA is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.” MPAs vary in how strongly they protect against various anthropogenic threats, and several classification systems have been developed to differentiate among various types of MPAs. The MPA Guide , co-authored by IOCS’s Ellen Pikitch, was released in 2021 and contains a classification system based on an MPA’s level of protection and stage of establishment. It also links expected outcomes to these MPA characteristics. Science has shown that well-implemented, highly or fully protected MPAs can have very positive results for marine environments and human well-being. Benefits of MPAs include larger fish, more abundant fish, increased reproduction, the protection of habitats such as coral reefs and mangroves, enhanced community involvement, maintenance of social and cultural traditions and increased economic opportunity and income. Recently, in part due to globally agreed targets for ocean protection, the number of MPAs has more than doubled globally and now protects almost 8% of the ocean . But despite the uptick in MPAs, political action still lags behind the urgent need for more and better quality MPAs. 10x20 Initiative Marine Priority Areas Evaluating MPAs in China Conservation Finance How is IOCS involved? MPAs are a major focus at IOCS because we believe they are an underutilized tool that can yield great benefits for the ocean as well as coastal communities. We understand that balancing use and protection of the ocean is critically important and requires tradeoffs and diplomacy. Our team works on MPAs at the global, national, and local levels. At the United Nations, we’ve brought scientific information directly to diplomats of dozens of countries. Our faculty, staff and graduate students often attend and present at international conferences on MPAs, and frequently contribute to strategic workshops and panels as invited experts. Examples include developing the MPA Guide , the IUCN MPA Standards , and the UN Ocean Dialogues . We conducted a project to identify Marine Priority Areas , and in 2019, published a paper and launched an online map showing where new or expanded MPAs could be most beneficial around the world. This project was funded by the Italian Ministry of Environment. MPAs must also be sufficiently financed, since a lack of funding for personnel, equipment, and enforcement can lead to “paper parks” that do not achieve their conservation goals. Our lab is examining how to improve financial sustainability for MPAs using case studies in Colombia, Bonaire, and Belize. This includes a recent publication that showcases a valuable decision-making tool for evaluating mechanisms that can financially support MPAs. It is also important to understand the quantity, distribution and representativeness of MPAs on a national scale, especially for countries that have jurisdiction over large ocean areas. We have been working with colleagues at Shanghai Jai Tong University to evaluate MPAs in China , and in late 2021, published an analysis in the journal Science Advances . And in May 2022, Dr. Pikitch co-authored a study analyzing the status of ocean protection in the United States . We will continue our work in MPA finance and management, as well as expand our research scope to include Other Effective area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) that can complement MPAs and have been included among international goals for spatial ocean protection. With our multi-faceted track record on MPAs, IOCS is poised to be a leader in steering global efforts over the next decade and beyond. ​ Resources MPA Guide website MPA Guide Publication Using the MPA Guide to Assess U.S. MPA's U.S MPA Study Infographic U.S. MPA Study Summary

  • Publications | Institute for Ocean Conservation Science | Stony Brook University

    IOCS Publication List Mapping important areas of the ocean. Learn More Since our inception, IOCS scientists, staff, and students have authored or co-authored almost 300 peer-reviewed publications and research reports. Shown below are publications from the last decade. Li, Y., Ma, J., Costigan, A., Yang, X., Pikitch, E., & Chen, Y. (2023). Reconciling China’s domestic marine conservation agenda with the global 30× 30 initiative. Marine Policy. 156(105790). link here ​ Bohorquez, J., Galland, G., Miller, S., 2023. Trophic dynamics and life history of Atlantic skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) call for a ‘forage fish approach’ to management procedures. International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, Collective, Volume of Scientific Papers. Vol. 80, No. 2. SCRS / 2023 / 017 link here ​ Bohorquez, J. J., Dvarskas, A., Jacquet, J., Sumaila, U. R., Nye, J. A., & Pikitch, E. K. (2023). A novel framework to evaluate the financial sustainability of marine protected areas. Biological Conservation. 283(110083). link here ​ Hunt, N., Pikitch, E., Shank, B., Hodgdon, C. T., & Chen, Y. (2023). Industry and conservation goals are complementary for the most valuable fishery in the United States under climate‐driven life history . link here Sullivan- Stack, J. et al. (2022) A scientific synthesis of marine protected areas in the United States: status and recommendations. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9(849927). link here Gobler, C. J., Doall, M. H., Peterson, B. J., Young, C. S., DeLaney, F., Wallace, R. B., Tomasetti, S. J., Curtin, T. P., Morrell, B. K., Lamoureux, E. M., Berry, U., Griffith, A. W., Carroll, J. M., Nanjappa, D., Jankowiak, J. G., Goleski, J. A., Famularo, A. E., Kang, Y., Pikitch, E. K., Santora, C., Heck, S. M., Cottrell, D. M., Chin, D. W., Kulp, R. E. (2022). Rebuilding a collapsed bivalve population, restoring seagrass meadows, and eradicating harmful algal blooms in a temperate lagoon using spawner sanctuaries. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9(911731). link here ​ Kleinhaus, K., Bohorquez, J. J., Awadallah, Y. M., Meyers, D., & Pikitch, E. (2022). Boost Egypt’s coral reef conservation efforts. Science. 378(6620): 608-609. link here ​ Zhao, Y., Pikitch, E.K., Xu, X., Frankstone, T., Bohorquez, J., Fang, X., Zheng, J. et al. (2022) An evaluation of management effectiveness of China’s marine protected areas and implications of the 2018 Reform. Marine Policy 139(105040) link here Bohorquez J.J., Dvarskas A., Jacquet J., Sumaila U.R., Nye J. and Pikitch E.K. (2022) A New Tool to Evaluate, Improve, and Sustain Marine Protected Area Financing Built on a Comprehensive Review of Finance Sources and Instruments. Frontiers in Marine Science 8(742846). link here ​ Sydeman, W. J., Hunt Jr, G. L., Pikitch, E. K., Parrish, J. K., Piatt, J. F., Boersma, P. D., Kaufman, L., Anderson, D. W., Thompson, S. A., & Sherley, R. B. (2021). South Africa’s experimental fisheries closures and recovery of the endangered African penguin. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 78(10): 3538-3543. link here Grorud-Colvert, K. et al. (2021). The MPA Guide: A framework to achieve global goals for the ocean. Science. 373(6560). link here Bohorquez, J.J., Guifang, X., Timothy, F., M., G. M., Karine, K., Yiyi, Z., & K., P. E. (2021). China’s little-known efforts to protect its marine ecosystems safeguard some habitats but omit others. Science Advances. 7(46). link here Cernadas-Martín, S., Rountos, K. J., Nye, J. A., Frisk, M. G., & Pikitch, E. K. (2021). Composition and Intraspecific Variability in Summer Flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) Diets in a Eutrophic Estuary. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 522. link here Meyers, D., Alliance, C.F., Bohorquez, J., Cumming, B.F.I.B., Emerton, L., Riva, M., Fund, U.J.S. & Victurine, R. (2020). Conservation Finance: A Framework. link here Bohorquez, J.J., Dvarskas, A., & Pikitch, E.K. (2019). Categorizing global MPAs: A cluster analysis approach. Marine Policy. 108: 103663. link here Bohorquez, J.J., Dvarskas, A., & Pikitch, E.K. (2019). Filling the data gap–A pressing need for advancing MPA sustainable finance. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: 45. link here Bond, M.E., Valentin-Albanese, J., Babcock, E.A., Heithaus, M.R., Grubbs, R.D., Cerrato, R., Peterson, B.J., Pikitch, E.K., & Chapman, D.D. (2019). Top predators induce habitat shifts in prey within marine protected areas. Medford, MA: Oecologia. 190(2): 375-85. link here Cernadas-Martin, S. (2019). Multidisciplinary ecological characterization of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) in Shinnecock Bay, New York (Doctoral dissertation, the State University of New York at Stony Brook). link here Dvarskas, A., Bricker, S.B., Wikfors, G.H., Bohorquez, J., Dixon, M., & Rose, J.M. (2019). Quantification and valuation of subwatershed scale nitrogen removal by commercial shellfish in Greenwich Bay, CT. 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