The Southampton Press featured the daylong June 9th celebration at Stony Brook Southampton on the cover of its Western Edition.

A press event in the morning was emceed by IOCS's Dr. Ellen Pikitch, the Shinnecock Bay Hope Spot Champion, and featured remarks by:
Dr. Paul Shepson, Dean of SoMAS, Stony Brook University
Richard Garriot, President of The Explorers Club (Co-Nominating organization for the Hope Spot)

Dr. Sylvia Earle, President of Mission Blue and world renowned scientist and explorer
Dr. Chris Gobler, of SoMAS and co-PI of the Shinnecock Bay Restoration Prorgram
Erika Heine Montague, Chief Technologist with Schmidt Marine Technology Partners

Dr. Kelsey Leonard, Professor at University of Waterloo and member of the Shinnecock Indian Nation
Ed Warner, Southampton Town Trustee and longtime bayman

Photo credits and Southampton Press story written by Kitty Merrill